a book about
Charting the natural signs
God gave each teen girl & young woman
to understand her unique cycles
Chart your cycles to accurately predict your periods,
find natural care for premenstrual symptoms,
and grow in appreciation for God’s design of your body
God gave each girl unique signs about what is happening in her own body every day. Learning to chart these clues can reveal amazing things about your cycles. With Cycles & Spirituality, examine the benefits of charting, contemplate God’s plan for women, find out about cervical mucus and your basal body temperature, and gain practical suggestions to manage the physical and emotional symptoms that come with fluctuating hormones. For Christian teen girls and young women, cycle awareness in combination with spiritual reflection may even lead to a closer relationship with God.
Cycles & Spirituality is written to help you:
Learn your own body’s unique signs
Predict your cycles – even if they are irregular
Understand how hormones contribute to your emotions
Realize how life events can impact your cycles
Discover how to manage cycle symptoms naturally
Grow spiritually by developing an appreciation for God’s natural design
Cycles & Spirituality is intended for Christian girls ages 14 and up